The Chorus – Membership Form

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of The Chorus, Classics for All’s growing network of young classicists. To sign up, please fill out the online form below.
Your details
Parental consent will be needed.
More details

You are under 16.
Unfortunately, no student below the age of 16 is permitted to join the network. 

Please contact with any questions.

Getting to know you

When did you first encounter the classical world? Were you lucky enough to attend a secondary school that offered classics? Or perhaps you read ancient Greek myths at home as a child?

Please contact with any questions.

Parent/Guardian consent 
If you are between the age of 16-18 and wish to join The Chorus, we require written consent from your parent or guardian. They will receive a follow-up email requesting an e-signature. We kindly ask them to check their spam or junk folder for the consent email.

Please contact with any questions.